Monday, September 3, 2012

He calls himself D.

We knew. Brandon and myself knew where we were. We remember it. The same place we gather as kids. Candle Cove. Well, we used to call that place that because of the show. Which now, i don't know it even exist. No, I just don't want to know. 

Everything was shrouded in darkness except for my kitchen's light. The only light source combating the ever hungry darkness. Even the rooms that are visible from the kitchen weren't safe from the dark. We looked at each other. Brandon said to me "Why do they like playing games?"  That's was an unexpected thing to say, especially when we are surrounded. I replied, "I don't know." The wind hitting the windows, as saying let us in. The waves trying to ease us. The sound of children's laughter trying to consult us of the non-danger. I tried hard to combat the soothing sounds. They wanted us. Why go to this trouble?

Then I saw it. In the middle of the living room connected by an arch to my kitchen. No doors, only a space separating it from us. The only thing able to produce light in the darkness. Our imaginary friend. I could feel it calling to us. To soothe. To embrace us. To silence us. I was scared. I felt like a kid again. I was looking straight at it. No, we were. Both of us looking at it and holding our chairs and the table tight. Trying not to get pulled towards it.

It stood there. I was never afraid of it when I was a kid. Why do I feel my heart racing? I want to scream, but I believed it would gave them power. So I was holding everything in, even though I knew it wouldn't helped us. Brandon was petrified on his chair. It continued standing there. I was thinking, why doesn't he come to us? You know, do something. They caught us, already.

The sounds were increasing; I could hear them in my temple. Tentacles. Black tentacles were coming out of my imaginary friend's back. They were slowly creeping like a snake towards us. Stopping near the arch way and then slowly touching it. Like a disease. The end of the tentacles became claws. These white claws grasping on the wall, I saw my imaginary friend's face change. First, it changed into the little girl from my dream. She was smiling. Then, it changed into my mother. Afterwards into some other people that I didn't know. He then transforms its face into a younger version of mine. I couldn't fight it. His face then turned into an eye. Looking straight at me. Digging my very soul.

I fell down from the chair, the kitchen's lights started to blink and dim. I looked up. The young man stood there, where my imaginary friend was. He started to smile. The room got completely dark. I felt someone dragging me back to my chair. It felt cold. The lights came back on. I look at Brandon. Behind him stood three things, they looked human. I couldn't describe them except the one in the middle wore a golden happy theater mask.

I heard a "tsk, tsk, tsk." I turned around I saw the young man walking around the kitchen; opening cupboards and the fridge. He said "Nothing."  He then point at the whiskey bottle. "That would do. Thank you, Mr. Morris." The three things started to grab and tried to drag the psychiatrist away. He yelled "No more. I will deal with you guys, no more." I saw the three things fusing into this black ooze combining into my imaginary friend. Its tentacles appeared on the top of his head, actually his tentacles came out of his chest and back, surrounding his head. The stood very high, touching my ceiling until like a waterfall it hit and consumed Brandon. 

I could hear his muffled screams. Its entire body flowed like water, passing through the chair. It became a black puddle flowing towards the back door. No sign of Brandon Morris. He disappeared. It was only him and me. He sit where Brandon was. He pour himself a glass of whiskey. He tasted it. "I remembered liking this. Not bad." He looked at me. I yelled to him "What have you done to him?"
He was very cocky. "Hmm, you shouldn't concern yourself about him. He is just sleeping like a baby." I knew he was lying. Even though, I couldn't muster the strength to get out of my chair and punch him. All I could do was yelled at him. Scream for answers. "Where is he?"  "As I said, don't worry about him. Think of him as a fail-safe." "Who or what are you?" He answered mockingly, but with a feel of nonchalant in his voice.

"Good question, after two pointless ones. First, I know you have a stupid little blog talking about Candle Cove and  such. So, do me a favor. Whenever you remembered with your little old brain this little incident. Try writing the event  verbatim, you know when you can stop having that rush of memories. I will help you that you won't stop writing it until done. I know you failed at English class. But you are a soldier, the same as us. Wait, no. We are better. We are one." He stopped and looked at my glass. "Want more?" He pours me more without my answer. "You better drink up. It's good for you to forget. The past always hurts. I'm getting off track. I'm getting offended and flattered that you referred me as the young man. Even though, we may acted as an individual. In events such like this. We are not, but since you are talking about me. My first name used to start with this letter. Call me D. I know, about that cartoon thing. Not related. Used to like too."   

He loved talking nonsense. He continued talking. "I know I talk a lot. That was a trait that I still possessed. I was human and all. Now, I'm a collective of minds, emotions and body. We are Legion."
I said, "Like the bible?" He continued. "Somewhat. Who inspired who? No matter. I came here for two reasons." I drank my glass of whiskey. "I think, you would need more than that." He pours me more. "Number one, you should know. We came for Brandon, not you. We need him for our little parasitic problem. Not of your concern. Even though, he may read this. Second reason, that's when we decided to kill two birds with one stone." He signal me to drink more. I didn't. 

"Sure? You will need it, to drink your sorrows. I can't believe that you didn't remember our message. Let me remind you about it." His voice changed, no. As if they were multiple voices. One of a child, a woman and then his voice. Together in symphony. "How is your wife and kid?" I was frozen. Why did he mean by that? "It hits you doesn't it, right in the heart. Answer it. Come on." I tried to say I didn't, but it feels like I was lying. I couldn't say anything. He stood up. "Pity, I was expecting a breakthrough." I started to cried. Did I have a wife and kid? I always was alone. I started to cry like a baby. D. pat my head and saying "There. There. Is time for you bedtime. See you, soon." I fall asleep.

I need to find  answers. I need to find more about Candle Cove. I tried finding Brandon's private number, I lost it. It vanished. I called his office; they said he was out of town. Who were my wife and my little girl? Everything doesn't add up.

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