Friday, August 24, 2012

Psychiatrist Visit

I just got back from the psychiatrist. It went well. I explained to him about the young man. How he was in my dreams and my memories. He told me, I maybe suffering of PTSD or Posttraumatic stress disorder. He asks if I have been feeling anxious recently. I told him, not really. I went on describing my last dream, the one were I was married. How it felt so real.

Of course, he said the mind can play tricks on people, but he found it interesting. I ask why. He said if I remember the incident. Ask which one? He went on telling me, of my last day at the military. How I lost every single member of my squad. I didn't remember that event. He found it amusing and went to say that, maybe that young man is an apparition of guilt. The guilt of that event.

Did my mind block that event? I remember a lot of childhood, my adolescences and my military career. How can I have forgotten such a tragic event? I had remember it before, since the shrink knew about it. But I'm in a blank. He prescribed anti-anxiety pills and to check with him in two weeks. Out of my curiosity, I ask if he knew about Candle Cove. He was a bit shocked. He said, he does. We started talking about how Pirate Percy always ended up in trouble because of his childish greed. How Poppy, the second in command always needed to rescue him.

We talk how terrifying the Skin Taker was. We talked how he wanted to be the most powerful being in the cove. By eating others, he would take the essence becoming stronger. We laugh, how that show was so scary now, than we were children. He then said about how some of his neighborhood friend went and play hide and seek with their imaginary friend.

I was in shock. I quickly ask if they played on the cove. The forest near the waves. He told me, yes.
He went on to describe the same imaginary friend, as I did. Did we play with him together? Now, that I think about it. He looked familiar to me. We needed to stop, since it was taking his work time. He of course, didn't charge for extra time. I finally found another who knew about the show.

He gave me his number, to have a drink and talked about the show. He said, he was going a bit crazy, not knowing if the show was real or not. I said, will do. So far, the young man hasn't appeared since my last dream. Regardless, I need to remember what he told me. If he is a figment of my subconscious, I may find peace in mind.

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